介绍: Isitpossibletothinkofnothing?TheabsenceofexpressiononFaustosfaceashest…… 更多另路食人族介绍
另路食人族原名:Altri Cannibali,又名Other Cannibals
Is it possible to think of nothing? The absence of expression on Fausto's face as he stands in front of his machine in the factory tells us that it is. When Ivan asks him the same thing it turns out that a thought has crept into his head: an extreme thought, dark, beyond human standards. It is this violent thought that is the origin of the encounter between Fausto and Ivan. In ...
发布于2021年。由Francesco Sossai执导,并于2021-11(塔林电影节)公映的电影。
blood orange
3.5 笑死了,竟然是一部冷幽默哲学电影。作为观众总期待发生一些什么,但最后什么也没发生;作为角色会有无数逃离生活的念头,但最后无非就是回归到自己的庸常,变成自己的父辈。食人念头一直萦绕总被打断,唯一的实践时刻却让自己不堪忍受。意大利人天生都是演员,这一点巴赞早就说过了,但开头一大段吵架戏还是让人不得不赞叹。