介绍: ElevendaysafterDonaldTrump’selectionvictoryinNovember2016,filmmakerDan…… 更多白噪音介绍
白噪音原名:White Noise,
Eleven days after Donald Trump’s election victory in November 2016, filmmaker Daniel Lombroso started following a number of Trump supporters. Alt-right-activist Richard Spencer, influencer Lauren Southern, and anti-feminist Mike Cernovich are all fighting in their own way against what they see as disruptive forces in society. Twenty-two-year-old Southern, for example, travels t...
发布于2020年。由Daniel Lombroso执导,集众多位Mike Cernovich、Lauren Southern、Richard Spencer等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2020-10-21(美国)公映的电影。
一个忠实、中立、客观的镜头去以一个也许不中立的态度记录一个也许不中立的立场。只记录,不偏袒。了解白人至上们的想法还挺好的。Spencer说, “I don’t want to be a beautiful loser. I’m not interested in that. I am interested in changing the world and fundamentally winning. ” 没有一丝自我怀疑的阴影、在这个世界结结实实打上自我的印记。不知是一种不错的感觉还是如*在喉的压力,多半兼有吧。远远看去仿佛像是不同的物种。