介绍: IntheheartofthePacific,betweenthelagoonandtheocean,oneofNature’sgreate…… 更多Surviving in the Lagoon介绍
Surviving in the Lagoon又名小鱼求生记(港)
In the heart of the Pacific, between the lagoon and the ocean, one of Nature’s greatest spectacles unfolds. This is the story of a little manini who will have to go through the greatest ordeals from the moment he is born. He will survive the greatest dangers and cross paths with the ocean's top predators. This film captures exclusive wildlife behavior of sharks, whales, grouper...
真的很漂亮啊啊啊那個lagoon和下面的reef 果然海洋生物是千奇百怪的 即使是漂亮的reef也會有長得比較ugly或者terrifying的魚 而且居然拍到了鯊魚在**的時候 還有解釋祂們的**** 真的很讚了 畢竟這好像是第一部有介紹到這些部分的紀錄片