自行车赛手原名:The Racer,
Summer 1998 - the opening stages of Le Tour de France are relocated to Ireland. Belgian rider Dom Chabol (late 30s) has been one of the best "Domestiques" (support riders) on the Tour for the last 20 years. It's a sacrificial role - setting pace, blocking wind, and providing support to enable the team's sprinter to victory - winning is not an option. But Dom secretly harbours a...
发布于2020年。由基伦·J·沃尔什执导,并且由编剧基伦·J·沃尔什、Ciaran Cassidy携幕后团队创作。集众多位路易·塔拉普、马泰奥·西莫尼、塔拉·李、伊恩·格雷等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2020-03(西南偏南电影节)公映的电影。
4.9/10 又是一部野心大于能力, 最终导致成片质量低下的电影。 作为原型的竞赛, 原本在赛间已有足够多的**可供探讨; 可本片除请了一众演员再演这些**外, 丝毫没有**出其中任何富有价值的讯息去作为影片的主旨。 并且繁多的**各自指向不同的议题, 未能进行整合也造成了本片体裁与类型的混乱。 几场比赛的戏份不仅没有紧张**感, 而且在过多**的交织中沦为了可有可无的存在。 最终本片除了给大众一次了解当***的机会外, 影片本身真的是乏善可陈。
On the occasion of the Ronde van Vlaanderen, Razor Reel, with the support of the **** of Bruges, likes to ****** some extra experience around this cycling *****. Want to enjoy the cycling atmosphere a little extra after the cycling ***** of the year? Then come and watch the free open-air film screening of 'The racer' on Sunday 9 April 2023 on the Burg 'under the trees' in Bruges. Screening at 9pm.