介绍: TheSnowyPeaksskipatrolisonediversecrew.TheyconsistofJerry,theseniormem…… 更多雪地奇兵介绍
雪地奇兵原名:Ski Patrol,
The Snowy Peaks ski patrol is one diverse crew. They consist of Jerry, the senior member who loves skiing and is in love with Ellen, a ski school instructor at Snowy Peaks; Iceman, singer and ****** of impressions; Eddie, the demolition and explosives expert; Stanley, who has failed to make the patrol seven years in a row; and Tiana, a foreign exchange patroller who likes Stanl...
发布于1990年。由Richard Correll执导,并且由编剧Wink Roberts、Steven Long Mitchell携幕后团队创作。集众多位Roger Rose、Yvette Nipar、T.K. Carter、Leslie Jordan、Paul Feig等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1990-01-12公映的电影。
译名 学警出更系列片之雪地奇兵 国内发行VHS转VCD 双碟央视国配 小影碟,蹭的 学警出更 系列的热度,其实无半毛钱关系 港版LD 译名:扭计宝贝智多星(****)