从未消融原名:Never Been Thawed,2005年喜剧类型片,创作于美国地区,具有英语语言版本。由西恩·安德斯执导,并由西恩·安德斯、Chuck LeVinus任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位**格·贝伦特、Kent Voss、西恩·安德斯、Mike Gordon、Blair Arndt、Allen Zwolle、Shelly Frasier、John Angelo等著名实力派明星加盟。于2005-04-15公映。
Shawn is the founder of the Mesa Frozen Entree Enthusiasts Club. He has inspired this group of fanatical collectors to attempt to host the world's first Frozen Entree Enthusiasts Convention. Shawn also sings for a local punk band that has recently converted to Christian Rock as they find the Christian fans much easier to shock and impress. Milo Binder, a local Christian rock pr...
CG DVDRip 这是一部关于冷冻食品收集和***摇滚乐队the Christers的美味爱好的搞笑讽刺剧。这部电影讲述了梅萨冰雪爱好者***计划举办第一届冰雪爱好者大会的故事。3.3