介绍: 谎言原名:Mentira,又名Lie。1990年喜剧、短片类型片,创作于**地区,具有葡萄牙语语言版本。由FlaviaMoraes执导,并由…… 更多谎言介绍
谎言原名:Mentira,又名Lie。1990年喜剧、短片类型片,创作于**地区,具有葡萄牙语语言版本。由Flavia Moraes执导,并由Luis Fernando Verissimo任编剧,携幕后团队创作。于1990公映。
Genre Fiction Director Flavia Moraes Cast Ellen Helene, Roney Fachini Year 1990 Duration 10 minutes Color Color 35mm gauge Country Brazil A quiet and faithful husband realizes that a lie cabeluda may be safer than the truth innocent. Based on a story by Luis Fernando Verissimo. Awards Honorable Mention in the New York Festival 1990 A Brazilian born filmmaker, Flavia Moraes is a...
2、Korea Films: 2、Madman Entertainment Pty. Ltd.(DVD)(****)
3、Transeuropa Video Entertainment(TVE)(DVD)(阿根廷)4、Alliance Atlantis Communications(video)(加拿大)