铁扇公主原名:鐵扇公主,又名Iron Fan Princess。1951年剧情、奇幻、古装类型片,创作于中国香港地区,具有粤语语言版本。由陈子平执导,并由陈子平、吴承恩任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位周忠、伊秋水、陈倩如、刘桂康、何少雄、梁素梅等著名实力派明星加盟。于1951-01-17(中国香港)公映。
唐三藏由三徒护送往西天取经,途中遇上众妖阻拦,且以肉阵引诱**。铁扇公主为吃**肉而施**。孙悟空大闹火焰山,收伏***,救出唐三藏,再踏上往西天之路。 On their journey west to retrieve the sacred books, Tripitaka and his three companions chance upon an array of demons who hold up their journey. Tripitaka is submitted to temptations of the eros by Princess Iron Fan, who herself seeks immortality by devouring the flesh of the monk. Monkey King wins bat...