How Do You Know Chris?


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  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: 卢克·库克 / Stephen Carracher / Rachel Kim Cross
  • 地区: 澳大利亚
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How Do You Know Chris?剧情内容介绍

How Do You Know Chris?

The inherently flawed chameleon Chris Black, 28, throws a ***** at his inner-**** Melbourne apartment for people who have been prominent players in his life. But the guests arrive to a strange scenario - their host isn't even there. To break the ice, guests ******* topics of conversation ranging from the intellectual and political, to some sexual in nature, and many that are ju...

发布于2020年。由Ashley Harris执导,并且由编剧Zachary Perez携幕后团队创作。集众多位卢克·库克、Stephen Carracher、Rachel Kim Cross等著名实力派明星加盟。


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How Do You Know Chris?评价

  • 男子在公寓里召集久未谋面的几个人聚会,包括刚认识的姑娘、老同学、前老板、前男友、前女友、母亲……虽然不到30岁就走极端,但是基本上也算啥都经历过了,嗯,包括当初跟那女友生了孩子又给扔到洗衣房。。。字幕搞定,继续转战下一个
