介绍: 1984wasnotaleapintothefuture-butalookatthedangersalreadypresent-inOrwe…… 更多通往1984之路介绍
通往1984之路原名:The Road to 1984,
1984 was not a leap into the future-but a look at the dangers already present-in Orwell's lifetime. The Road to 1984 intertwines vision and reality. It displays the passion and chronicles the career of Orwell--who warned us of what could happen if we stayed on that road--his road to 1948 and ours to 1984. Written by Anonymous
发布于1984年。由David Wheatley执导,并且由编剧威利斯·霍尔携幕后团队创作。集众多位詹姆斯·福克斯等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1984公映的电影。