俏师妹又名女少林寺、Horse Boxing Killer、Cute Foster Sister。1979年武侠类型片,创作于中国台湾、中国香港地区,具有汉语普通话语言版本。由王重光执导,并由韦辛任编剧,携幕后团队创作。集众多位**霞、袁小田、马金谷、王冠雄、王太郎、韩苏、龙飞、刘皓怡等著名实力派明星加盟。于1979(中国台湾)公映。
简 介 Sheh Ming happily spends her days improving her martial arts skills, with **** from her brother and old father. She was long ago promised to Chen Kang as a bride, but she has never met him, and leaves home in protest. She goes to work in a bean curd shop. Separately, Chen Kang leaves home and ends up working in the same shop. Each is unaware who the other is. And things ar...