介绍: Vocetambempodedarumpresuntolegal1972年纪录片类型片,创作于**地区,具有葡萄牙语语言版本。由Sérgio…… 更多Voce tambem pode dar um presunto legal介绍
Voce tambem pode dar um presunto legal1972年纪录片类型片,创作于**地区,具有葡萄牙语语言版本。由Sérgio Muniz执导,于1971公映。
**最“声名狼藉”的政治纪录片,被**政府禁了几十年直到2006年才首次公开放映,本片可以在线观看和下载:****://video.google****/videoplay?docid=5275682708820451854 Amid the civil-military dictatorship established by the coup of 1964, Sergio Muniz had the idea of ****** a documentary about the action of Esquadrao of Death. At the time, to the documentary, the press still had some ******* to disseminate the action of these groups...