介绍: 天使是如何诞生的原名:ComoNascemosAnjos,又名HowAngelsAreBorn。1996年剧情类型片,创作于**地区,具有葡…… 更多天使是如何诞生的介绍
天使是如何诞生的原名:Como Nascem os Anjos,又名How Angels Are Born。1996年剧情类型片,创作于**地区,具有葡萄牙语、英语、德语语言版本。由Murilo Salles执导,集众多位Priscila Assum、Silvio Guindane等著名实力派明星加盟。于1996-09-12公映。
新**电影早期作品之一。加拉曼多**电影节6项**,图卢兹拉美电影节观众评选奖。 Two children flee together with a grown up from a slum in Rio because this older person has had problems with the local drug lord. They end up in the house where a rich American lives with his daughter. It's a fantastic film about real life in Rio de Janeiro/Brasil. It's not a fiction film and you should see it to learn **** about the ha...