介绍: NickBloomfieldgoesbacktoSouthAfricainafollowuptohisdocumentaryonAfrika…… 更多His Big White Self介绍
His Big White Self
Nick Bloomfield goes back to South Africa in a follow up to his documentary on Afrikaner separatist leader Eugene Terre' Blanche, and to find out what had happened to his wife and driver. With the trio split up, Broomfield dons a disguise and connives his way back into Terre' Blanche's household.
发布于2006年。由Nick Broomfield执导,并于2006公映的电影。
It's so clever, and hilarious: the music, the juxtaposition, the contradiction of archive and interviews...When Nick Broomfield went to visit Eugene, and Eugene didn't not recognise him, I couldn't stop laughing...