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  • 地区: 西德
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Home Stories

"A collage of Hollywood melodramas of the 1950s and 1960s, filmed directly from the television set.  The constantly recurring motifs of suspense and clichés of plot make it possible to move seamlessly among scenes from different films with different protagonists. In the montage, the movements and gestures of the actresses – stars like Lana Turner, Tippi Hedren, and Grace Kelly –...

发布于1990年。由Matthias Müller执导,并于1990公映的电影。


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  • "DINAMO: (No) Dialogue" Matthias Müller是最早拿好莱坞经典电影做拼贴实验的电影人之一,大量melodrama cliché堆叠起来,相似细节的雷同呈现摆到一起就显现出荒谬,男性主导的好莱坞居高临下的态度和对女性角色的housewives刻板印象暴露无遗。the green fog去掉对话的做法或许也有参考Müller。

  • 拼贴电影,特别喜欢的形式……类型电影里属于女性的时刻,**在房子里,房子里的**(虽然此处仅有中产阶级女性影像)**的迷惘时刻、孤独时刻、等待时刻、入睡时刻、唤醒时刻、一直到惊吓时刻,重复率如此之高,几乎成为一种男性视角里女性百般重复的命运啊……

  • 一万部悬疑电影,一万个女主角,一种起床→出门方式。

  • 相比于Godard通过chorégraphie cinématographique实现的geste在espace de milieu中的组接--与光和音乐的复调性形成呼应(ex. Prénom Carmen) ,这部短片中的Migration ** répétition du geste更像是在电影史的时间线索上通过对原型动作的衍生品的拼贴组成的flux de geste,另一种电影化的milieu。同时,这种répétition也触及到了geste的电影编码的问题,以及编码建构communauté的问题。

  • 对五六十年代美国心理悬疑电影及家庭情节剧电影的二次拼贴,总结出了光影、色调、室内空间布局及利用对塑造女性惊恐、焦虑心理的某些共通之处。

  • “found footage”;作为心理反映的门

  • Classical Hollywood, women confined to the bounds of a house/apartment. Opening the door, peeking out from inside; rising/standing up; lying on bed, getting up; opening the bedroom door, turning on the light and off; closing the door, panic/anxiety attack at the back of the door; looking out the window behind the drawn curtains... All the moments stacked back to back to form an image of classical hollywood woman's role, as well as women's circumstance in that not entirely bygone era. The effect -- the heightened empathy (with the women whose desires are restrained) and overwhelming emotional valence -- comes from the multiplication of similar imagery as well as the Sirkian melodramatic score

  • 上课老师放的…这也能找到我很惊讶。很短,一系列节奏感很强的剪辑,几个**的反应组合起来。老师将其与荷兰绘画的**结合起来,自然光\人造光。空间的呈现,全片没有对话,大部分的叙事由主角的反应组成,没有去叙说:发生了什么事情。音乐作用很大。\看了豆瓣信息才知道是拼贴cliché/有趣
