BBC The Big Personality Test: Child Of Our Time


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  • 地区: 英国
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*** The Big Personality ****: Child Of Our Time又名*** 英国人个性大调查。创作于英国地区,具有英语语言版本。于2010公映。


***开展了英国有史以来最大的一次居民个性在线调查,希望藉此了解个性在人们生活、关系和健康中所起的作用。  How does your personality shape your life? Can it dictate whether you are in the right ***, make or break your relationship, influence your health and even how long you'll live? In this two part special to celebrate the tenth anniversary of Child of our Time, the children and their families explore their personalities, while ...

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BBC The Big Personality Test: Child Of Our Time评价

  • 很不错的十季节目,可惜网上资源太少,只找到了几集。

  • cute white kids+personality psychology+accents

  • 闲暇时间可以了解一下人格的形成和影响。语言简单易懂,也可以做英文泛听材料~
