介绍: SomeplaceintheEastisamongthefirstmoviesmadeinRomaniaafterthefalloftheC…… 更多东方的某个地方介绍
东方的某个地方原名:Undeva în Est,又名Somewhere in the East
'Someplace in the East' is among the first movies made in Romania after the fall of the Communism, dealing with one of the troubled period at the beginning of the Communist rule in Romania. It describes the forced expropriation of land by the Communists and the formation of the Communist farms, which was a real tragic episode in the Romanian history.
发布于1991年。由Nicolae Margineanu执导,
改編自Augustin Buzura的1974年作品The Faces of Silence。電影對反面角色的刻畫可謂入木三分,你越以為有因果報應,到最後越是如鯁在喉。電影涉及土改以及反蘇抗爭。迫切的階級清洗、地方對政策執行偏差再加上人的醜陋陰暗共同造就累累血債。本片不失為羅馬尼亞90年代初期的佳作。