介绍: Insaneasylums,shallowgravesandmagickoftheblackestkind.MaelstromProduct…… 更多H.P. Lovecraft 集锦鬼故事之鬼拍门介绍
H.P. Lovecraft 集锦鬼故事之鬼拍门原名:The Thing on the Doorstep,又名H.P. Lovecraft's Collection Volume 5 - Strange Aeons: The Thing on the Doorstep、H.P. Lovecraft's Strange Aeons: The Thing on the Doorstep
Insane asylums, shallow graves and magick of the blackest kind. Maelstrom Productions' newest ******* is an updated but faithful adaptation of H.P. Lovecraft's "The Thing on the Doorstep". Stephen King describes Lovecraft as "The 20th century horror story's dark and baroque prince". Shot entirely on Digital Video, the film promises to satisfy fans of Lovecraft and the genre its...
发布于2005年。由Eric Morgret、H.P. Lovecraft (short story)执导,集众多位Jerry Lloyd ... Robert R. Black、Jamie Morgan ... Doctor、J.D. Lloyd ... Detective等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2005-01-01公映的电影。
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