Minh Nguyen-Vo Minh Nguyen-Vo

Minh Nguyen-Vo
  • 性别:
  • 获奖: 金豹奖
  • 出生地:越南,胡志明市
  • 职业:导演 / 编剧 / 制片人

Minh Nguyen-Vo简介


第57届洛迦诺国际电影节 获得金豹奖 (提名)。获奖影视: 《牧童》


Nguyễn-Võ Nghiêm-Minh (Vietnam, 1956), known as Minh Nguyen-Vo, is a Vietnamese-American film director.His films include Mùa len trâu (English title: The Buffalo Boy), for which he won many international awards. He spent 16 years as a physicist at the University of California in Los Angeles before completing cinematography studies at the same institution in 1998.His latest film, Nước (English title: 2030), a futuristic feature film set in 2030 Vietnam, was selected as the opening night film of the Panorama section of the 64th Berlin International Film Festival.

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