Hannah Espia Hannah Espia

Hannah Espia

Hannah Espia简介


第18届釜山国际电影节 获得新浪潮奖 特别提及。获奖影视: 《过境》

第18届釜山国际电影节 获得新浪潮奖 (提名)。获奖影视: 《过境》


Transit director Hannah Espia was born in Manila in 1987 and started ****** films when she was only 15 years old. After graduating from the University of the Philippines Film Institute in 2012, her thesis film Ruweda (Wheel), won the Audience Choice Award at the 8th Cinemalaya Independent Film Festival and went on to compete in several international short film festivals. Espia also attended the Talent Campus Tokyo and Berlinale Talent Campus in 2012 and 2013 respectively, both programs as director-editor.

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Hannah Espia最近作品

过境观看 伊拉曼·安德拉万、Ping Medina

伊拉曼·安德拉万、Ping Medina

Hannah Espia最受好评作品